Child Development Resources

Links to Child Development/Curriculum Resources

California Department of Education (CDE) Early Education Division Resources(link is external)

CDE provides a variety of publications to further the enhancement of quality in infant/toddler and preschool programs. 


Reading Rockets(link is external): A national multimedia project offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.

Jumpstart(link is external): With a mission that every child in America enters kindergarten prepared to succeed, Jumpstart offers family engagement content in English, Spanish, and Chinese, and also includes themed activities to do at home with your children, continuing to develop their language, literacy, and social-emotional skills.

Center for Early Literacy Learning(link is external): Provides specific materials to assist parents in guiding their child’s early literacy development through the use of fun and exciting literacy learning experiences. Includes separate Practice Guides(link is external) for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.


Exploratorium(link is external): The Exploratorium in San Francisco is a museum of science, art and human perception. At the Exploratorium website, visitors can explore Science Activities(link is external) and online resources for learning at home and low-cost teacher-tested activities for the classroom. Activities can be filtered and sorted by title, grade bands, subject and/or key words.

Science is external): Instructions and videos for interactive science experiments, science fair ideas, and links to many science sites.

PBS Learning Media - Science(link is external): Explore natural phenomena and scientific practices with videos, lesson plans, and interactive tools. Filter results by grade bands and resource type.

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TERC – Mixing in Math(link is external): Materials to help parents, caregivers, and teachers mix math into everything they do with children.

PBS Learning Media – K-8 Mathematics(link is external): Filter by grade band and explore videos, interactive lessons, lesson plans, media gallery, documents and more.

Nutrition/Physical Fitness

Nutrition & Fitness Center(link is external): Resources for kids, parents and teachers on the following topics: special diets (allergies), food and healthy eating, healthy recipes kids can make, exercise and sports safety, staying fit, and weight.

Delicious Heart-Healthy Eating(link is external): Free online cookbook offering healthy recipes for main dishes, side dishes, appetizer/snacks, soups, desserts, and more. Also includes tips for involving younger children in the kitchen, and healthy eating videos.

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Resources for Early Care and Educational Professionals

National Aftershool Association(link is external)

NAA fosters positive youth outcomes by supporting, developing, and advocating for afterschool professionals and leaders. Provides resources for a number of areas and topics including Child/Youth Growth Development(link is external)Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, and Health Equity; Equity and Inclusion(link is external); and more.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)(link is external)

NAEYC is dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children, with particular focus on the quality of educational and developmental services for children from birth through age 8. For more information about the Orange County Chapter of the organization, click here(link is external).

National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)(link is external)

NAFCC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting quality child care by strengthening the profession of family child care. For more information about the Orange County Chapter of the organization, click here(link is external).

National Afterschool Alliance(link is external)

The alliance works to ensure that all youth have access to affordable, quality after-school programs. One of the organization's leading goals is to serve as an information source on after-school programs and resources.

Help Me Grow(link is external)

Help Me Grow connects families and children with developmental, behavioral or learning concerns to resources in the community. Help Me Grow also provides resources and information to child care providers to help support the families they serve.

State of California Community Care Licensing Division(link is external)

All child care centers and family child care homes must be licensed by the State of California Community Care Licensing Division. To view Child Care Licensing information and updates, visit the Community Care Licensing Division website.

Orange County Department of Education (OCDE)(link is external)

OCDE’s Early and Expanded (after school) Learning division provides a wealth of research-based professional learning, coaching, technical assistance, and educational incentives for Orange County early learning and care programs, include public and private preschool, child care, Transitional Kindergarten and community partners serving young children. 

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