OC Go Grant Funds

Orange County voters approved a ½-cent sales tax in 1990, known as Measure M. It was approved for an additional 30 years to 2041, and the renewed program is known as M2 or OC Go. Some funds are non-competitive and distributed to local agencies based on a formula of population, arterial centerline miles and share of taxable sales. Other funds are competitive and offered to local agencies in the following categories:

Project O – Regional Capacity Program: Focuses on improvements to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH). The MPAH serves as the backbone of Orange County’s arterial street network.

Project P – Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program: Intended to improve the flow of traffic in your community by developing and implementing traffic light coordination.

Project X – Environmental Cleanup: Helps improve overall water quality in Orange County from transportation-generated pollution.

Project V – Community Based Transit / Circulators: Helps local agencies establish local bus transit services such as community-based circulators, shuttles and bus trolleys that complement regional bus and rail services, and meet needs in areas not adequately served by regional transit.

Project W – Safe Transit Stops:  This is a fixed-scope program which provides funding for passenger amenities at the 100 busiest bus stops in Orange County determined by average daily weekday passenger boardings.

Additional information can be found on OCTA’s website.

City of Irvine - Measure M2 Grant Projects

Project M2 / CTFP Program Grant Amount Fiscal Year
Culver Drive (Scottsdale Dr. to 1-5) (Right of Way) O - Regional Capacity $39,832 2011-12
Jamboree Road/Barranca  Road Intersection (Engineering) O - Regional Capacity $25,000 2011-12
Jamboree Road/I-405 Southbound Ramps (Engineering) O - Regional Capacity $105,000 2011-12
Jamboree Road/Main Street Intersection (Engineering) O - Regional Capacity $52,600 2011-12
Jamboree Road Corridor P - Signal Synchronization $230,608 2011-12
Culver Drive (Scottsdale Dr. to 1-5) (Construction) O - Regional Capacity $777,871 2012-13
Campus Drive (University to Stanford) Irrigation Modification Project X - Environmental Cleanup $100,000 2012-13
Jeffrey Road Corridor P - Signal Synchronization $410,032 2012-13
Culver Drive Corridor P - Signal Synchronization $779,856 2012-13
Jamboree Road/Barranca Rd. Intersection (Engineering) O - Regional Capacity $26,523 2013-14
Jamboree Road/Main St. Intersection (Engineering) O - Regional Capacity $83,811 2013-14
Peters Canyon Wash Water Capture and Reuse Pipeline X - Environmental Cleanup $3,273,105 2013-14
Barranca Parkway P - Signal Synchronization $2,106,434 2013-14
Alton Parkway P - Signal Synchronization $1,209,396 2013-14
University Drive (MacArthur to Campus) (Engineering) O - Regional Capacity $910,000 2014-15
University Drive/Ridgeline Drive/Rosa Drew Lane Intersection (Engineering) O - Regional Capacity $385,000 2014-15
Campus Drive (at University Center) W - Safe Transit Stops $30,000 2014-15
Jamboree/Barranca Intersection (Right of Way) O - Regional Capacity $68,904 2015-16
Catch Basin Filter Installation Project No. 1 X - Environmental Cleanup $200,000 2015-16
Jamboree/Barranca Intersection (Construction) O - Regional Capacity $381,566 2016-17
University Dr. (MacArthur to Campus) (Right of Way) O - Regional Capacity $2,477,740 2016-17
Jamboree Road Widening (600 feet north of Main Street to Barranca Parkway) (Engineering) O - Regional Capacity $801,000 2016-17
Irvine Center Drive/Edinger Ave.  Synchronization P - Signal Synchronization $1,824,000 2016-17
Von Karman Avenue/Tustin Ranch Synchronization P - Signal Synchronization $1,439,980 2016-17
University Drive/Ridgeline Drive/Rosa Drew Lane Intersection Improvements (Right of Way) O - Regional Capacity $127,163 2017-18
Irvine Spectrum Catch Basin Connector Pipe Screen X - Environmental Cleanup $30,720 2017-18
Irvine Boulevard Signal Synchronization Project P - Signal Synchronization $378,166 2017-18
University Drive Widening (MacArthur Boulevard to Campus Drive) (Construction) O - Regional Capacity $4,104,971 2018-19
University Drive Widening from Ridgeline Drive to lnterstate-405 O - Regional Capacity $327,262 2018-19
Harvard Avenue at Michelson Drive Intersection Improvements O - Regional Capacity $54,420 2018-19
Culver Drive at Alton Pkwy. Intersection Improvements O - Regional Capacity $194,047 2018-19
Main Street Corridor P - Signal Synchronization $1,174,514 2018-19
Culver/Bonita  Canyon/Ford Corridor P - Signal Synchronization $1,139,728 2018-19
MacArthur Boulevard Corridor P - Signal Synchronization $1,258,440 2019-10
University/Ridgeline Intersection Improvement O - Regional Capacity $1,724,024 2019-20