These recreational, co-ed leagues for adults are played on weekday nights in Irvine. All matches start at 7:30 p.m. with 30 minutes of warm-up prior to the start of the match. A team match consists of six no-ad six-game sets and includes one set of men's and women's singles, men's, women's and two sets of mixed doubles.
Leagues run 8-10 weeks each. Every team makes the playoffs.
Each division and night are separated as follows:
- NTRP 3.0: Tuesday
- NTRP 3.5: Tuesday or Thursday
- NTRP 4.0: Monday or Wednesday
- NTRP 4.5: Thursday
All players need to be rated through USTA, including self rated players. You do not need to pay for a USTA membership to get rated. Join here:
If you do not have a team, you can join the free agent list. To be added to the free agent list, please email
2025 Spring
For more information, email or call 949-724-6785.