Join a tennis league! These adult leagues are all about team spirit, camaraderie, exercise, great fun and competitive matches, and allow people to meet other tennis players through league play.
The USTA League is a program for all recreational players. The USTA uses the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) for determining levels of competition. League matches are set up according to NTRP levels and divisions. To play on a USTA league, players must have a NTRP rating and current USTA membership. To join, go to is external).
Matches are played at various parks, tennis centers and clubs in Irvine and throughout Orange County on Fridays and weekends. Irvine-based teams play home matches out of David Sills Lower Peters Canyon, Heritage Community Park and Great Park Tennis Center (Friday mornings only).
If you're looking to join a team or have a group of people you want to be on a team with, please contact Julie Mak at sends e-mail) or (714) 296-3760
Each season has a different type of league. The list of leagues throughout the year are listed below.
18 & Older Mixed Doubles
18 & Older Singles
40 & Older Singles and Doubles
18 & Older Singles and Doubles
40 & Older Mixed Doubles
55 & Older Doubles
18 & Older Tri Level Doubles
18 & Older Tri Level Mixed Doubles
18 & Older Doubles
18 & Older Team Singles
55 & Older Mixed Doubles
For more information, email sends e-mail) or call 949-724-6400 or 949-724-6617.