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Thank you for submitting the online form to report a Hate Crime or Hate Incident

Your online report has been sent to the Irvine Police Department for review and, if appropriate, further investigation. If you provided contact information, you may be contacted by an officer or detective in an effort to gather additional information about your report.

Welcome to the Irvine Police Department Video Reporting System. If this is an Emergency, please call 911.

This system allows you to schedule a video conferencing appointment with an Irvine Police Department employee using Microsoft Teams.  Appointments can be scheduled between 24 hours and 7 days in advance.

The following crimes are reportable using video conferencing:

On January 26, 2021 the Irvine City Council passed a resolution reaffirming Irvine's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion within our community. As such, the City of Irvine is taking steps to ensure we embrace and celebrate diversity in all aspects of our community and foster an environment that is inclusive of all cultures, backgrounds, races, and ethnicities.

Residents are invited to pay their respects to the fallen at the Northwood Gratitude and Honor Memorial at Northwood Community Park. Visitors will be invited on-site to light a remembrance candle, complete wall rubbings of names on the memorial, and honor the fallen at the memorial. Staff will be on-site Saturday, May 29, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Sunday, May 30, from noon to 8 p.m. to assist guests and to ensure social distancing and gathering guidelines are being maintained.  

For more information, call 949-724-6606.

Residents are invited to pay their respects to the fallen at the Northwood Gratitude and Honor Memorial at Northwood Community Park. Visitors will be invited on-site to light a remembrance candle, complete wall rubbings of names on the memorial, and honor the fallen at the memorial. Staff will be on-site Saturday, May 29, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Sunday, May 30, from noon to 8 p.m. to assist guests and to ensure social distancing and gathering guidelines are being maintained.  

For more information, call 949-724-6606.

On Monday, May 31, at 10 a.m., the City of Irvine will host its annual Memorial Day Ceremony in virtual form. A prerecorded video presentation will feature a welcome by Irvine Mayor Farrah N. Khan, tributes to military fallen by commanding officers Lieutenant Colonel David Tumanjan and Sergeant Major David Caero from Irvine’s adopted 2/11 Marine Battalion, and presentations from former ceremonies. The Memorial Day Ceremony video will be available to the public online at

For more information, call 949-724-6606
