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Location: Artist Studios

Eating seasonal and local foods is nutritionally rich and environmentally friendly. The best chefs in Orange County present local, seasonal gourmet dishes, techniques and preservation methods. Due to expected inclement weather, the class will be moved indoors to the Artist Studios.

Instructor: Sharon Murphy of One Fine Fig

Click here to register

Irvine’s Park System

The 100 best park systems in the United States include No. 6 ranked City of Irvine, and with good reason. The methodology used for 2016 by the national nonprofit, The Trust for Public Land, includes the main criteria of park access; park size and investment; and popular amenities. For the 2019 rankings: Irvine No. 6 

Location: Farm + Food Lab

Explore science, technology, engineering, art, math and music in a fun and stimulating outdoor environment. Young attendees will connect the natural world with their daily lives, deepening their understanding and appreciation for nature.

Workshops begin at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m., and are weather permitting.

Children's Garden Workshops Schedule:

  • Sunday, Dec. 11
  • Sunday, Jan. 15
  • Sunday, Feb. 12
Location: Farm + Food Lab

Explore science, technology, engineering, art, math and music in a fun and stimulating outdoor environment. Young attendees will connect the natural world with their daily lives, deepening their understanding and appreciation for nature. Workshops held on the hour and are weather permitting.

Children's Garden Workshops Schedule:

  • Sunday, December 11
  • Sunday, January 15
  • Sunday, February 12
