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What is a General Plan?

The General Plan is a state-mandated document required of all cities in California. The Irvine General Plan is a comprehensive, long-range vision of Irvine's future development and preservation encompassing the built and natural environments as well as the community and economy. The Plan addresses all geographic areas of the City and its sphere of influence. It also addresses the community's relation to the region, local issues and trends, service priorities, and methods to guide development and conservation of resources.

The Statewide Primary Election will be held June 7, 2016. Polls are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. The City of Irvine encourages all eligible residents to register and vote. Have you moved since the last election? Will you be 18 by Election Day? Be sure to register by May 23 to participate in the statewide Primary Election. The last day to submit a Vote-by-Mail application is May 31.

Registration cards are available at all Irvine community centers and the Irvine Civic Center, or click here to register online.

City of Irvine camps for summer break 2020 will be available to preview beginning February 1, 2020. Registration opens February 15, 2020.

Camps offered include:

  • Art camps
  • Junior tennis camps
  • Sports camps
  • Tweens & teen camps
  • iCamps
  • More choices including culinary, LEGO and movie camps

For information and to sign up for camps, visit or call 949-724-6610.
