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Spring Edition of Inside Irvine 

The Spring edition of Inside Irvine is your official guide to City news, special events and hundreds of class offerings. Discover how Irvine's City Council provides unprecedented and much-needed financial support to its public schools; read about the groundbreaking of a new 270,000-square-foot ice facility at the Great Park; and learn what latest accolade was awarded to the City's Adventure Playground. 

Learn to Swim Class Descriptions

Learn to Swim classes are offered in 25- and/or 40-minute options. Click the titles below to learn more and register.

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2015 returns to the Orange County Great Park October 8-11 and October 15-18 from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Free event; $10 parking.

The Solar Decathlon challenges collegiate students from across the country and around the world to design, build and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient and attractive.

