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Celebrate summer by adding a new best friend at half the price! Longest residents are half off on Sunday; male dogs on Monday, all dogs on Wednesday; Terriers on Thursday; female dogs on Friday; and longest residents again on Saturday. (Closed on Tuesday.)

The Irvine Animal Care Center is excited to be participating in the NBC4 and Telemundo52 adoption promotion, Clear the Shelters on Saturday, August 15, 2015. During this event, the Center will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. All adoptions will be $20.


Do you know why Jamboree Road is named as such?

Irvine staff compiled a list of 40 names from roads, parks and destinations for the City’s 40th Anniversary in 2011. As we start preparing for the 50th Anniversary in 2021, we would like to expand the list with the help of Irvine residents.

Send in your ideas; your suggestion could be part of our 50th Anniversary list!

Email your suggestion

The Fall issue of Inside Irvine is now available; click here to view the magazine online. Articles in this edition cover the upcoming U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon, water conservation
