Advertising in Irvine Connection for Older Adults

The City of Irvine Senior Services offers advertising in Irvine Connection for Older Adults, its quarterly newsletter tailored to adults age 50 and older. Advertising in Irvine Connection for Older Adults is a unique opportunity to reach a growing audience that is as diverse in their activities as they are in their cultural background. For more information, please see the Advertising Information sheet.

If you're interested in advertising in Irvine Connection for Older Adults, please fill out an online interest form. Once your form is submitted, your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by City staff.

Interest Form

Advertising Content

Advertisements must be relevant to the Irvine senior community and not contrary or detrimental to the City’s mission, organizational values, image, and interests. Types of advertisement prohibited include, but are not limited to, promotion of tobacco, alcohol, pornography, obscenity, and messages of a political or religious nature or connotation. Content promoting products for medical or medicinal use is not permitted.

For questions, please contact Kristen Jefferson at or 949-724-6113.