Irvine Advisory Commission for Older Adults
Monthly Meetings
Irvine Advisory Commission for Older Adults meetings are held at 9 a.m. on the third Thursday of each month at 1 Civic Center Plaza in the Council Chambers, with the exception of December. Meetings are open to public, they are also cable cast live on ICTV (cable channel 30).
Minutes & Agendas
Irvine Advisory Commission for Older Adults Members
- Chair Michele Jacknik (Member at Large)
- Vice Chair Rachel Owens (Appointed by Vice Mayor Mai)
- Commissioner Mike Chen (Appointed by Councilmember Liu)
- Commissioner Greta Jacobs (Appointed by Mayor Agran)
- Commissioner Dr. Zainab Saadi (Appointed by Councilmember Treseder)
- Commissioner Bill Sandlin (Appointed by Councilmember Carroll)
- Commissioner Preeti Singh (Member at Large)
- Commissioner Ray S. Wong, PharmD, MBA (Appointed by
Councilmember Go)
Irvine Advisory Commission for Older Adults Duties
- Advisory: Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in establishing policy on matters pertaining to special interests and concerns of senior citizens.
- Consultancy: Act as a sounding board for persons, schools and organizations who have an interest in senior citizens activities and programs.
- Budget: Consider the proposed annual budget for the Senior Services section and make recommendations to the City Council.
- Advisement: Advise in the planning of facilities, transportation, activities, services and programs designed to serve the older adult community in Irvine.
- Selection of At-Large Members: The selection of the two members-at-large is conducted every two years on odd numbered years in September.
For more information about member-at-large positions, contact Ryan McGraw at or 949-724-6732.
Irvine Advisory Commission for Older Adults Meetings
Regular Irvine Advisory Commission for Older Adults meetings will be available through Zoom, as well as a dial-in conference call line. In an effort to enhance community engagement, community members may submit comments via email to on upcoming agenda items, as well as throughout the meeting.
See below for instructions on joining the meeting through Zoom and how to submit comments. Meeting ID and Passcode will be provided prior to the meeting date.
Public comments can be made prior to or during the meeting via email to For questions, contact the recording secretary at 949-724-6690.
You can also join via the Zoom app on your smartphone or tablet, or in a web browser at
The live stream will be available starting 8 a.m. (1 hour before the meeting). We suggest installing and testing the Zoom software on your devices before the meeting. Visit for additional information.
Meeting ID: 836 7511 6262
Passcode: 100495
If you are having issues joining the meeting, please copy and paste the following URL into your browser: will be provided prior to meeting.
If you would like to join by phone, dial 669-900-6833 and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode that is provided below.
Meeting ID: 836 7511 6262
Passcode: 100495
International numbers are available:
For technical support for this meeting, please call 949-724-6147.