City Programs Expectations & Guidelines
The City of Irvine is excited to offer modified recreational programming for the public! Safety measures, such as divider shields in reception areas, will be implemented when necessary. All activities must be registered for in advance, and no in-person registration will be accepted. Registration is usually open until just before the activity begins, so you can register on-site by visiting on your mobile device.
Our collective health and safety is our top priority. We are asking for your help in keeping your family, and our community, safe.
What We Ask of You
- Practice and reinforce good prevention habits:
- Avoid close contact with others – even friends.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Keep hands away from your face.
- Help your children understand distancing and why it’s important.
- Prior to arrival, ensure your children:
- Apply sunscreen.
- Use the restroom.
- Wash hands.
- Do a temperature check. Ensure your child does not have a temperature (over 100.4 F or higher), and keep your child at home if sick with any illness.
- Face coverings are required for visitors inside all City facilities, regardless of vaccination status, with some exemptions as outlined in the California Department of Public Health Guidance for the Use of Face Coverings.
What to Expect from Us
- Check-in: Participants will be asked to line up at the check-in table/counter.
- The City has established thorough isolation, communication, and cleaning protocols to address any potential incidents of COVID-19 exposure.
- Check-out/Pick Up: City staff or contract instructor will verify release of child to parent/guardian.