Our mission is to ensure appropriate and equitable program opportunities. Accommodation services for those who qualify are offered to assist persons with disabilities participating in City of Irvine classes, activities, and programs. This includes accommodation support for Angelfish and Guppies swim lessons, modification of equipment, or modification of other methods resulting in making the City’s services readily accessible and usable.
Following an initial assessment, staff and caregivers will identify reasonable accommodations. This may include modifying equipment, adapting activities, or training on-site staff in techniques to ensure the needs of the participant are being met. Staff can provide resources for any needs which cannot be directly supported, such as 1:1 inclusion or aides. We are happy to connect with other City park sites to help with accommodations or modifications requested.To inquire more about accommodation support, please contact Disability Services at disabiltyservices@cityofirvine.org. or 949-724-6637.