Criminal behavior can endanger our personal safety, damage public and private property, and lower your quality of life. The Irvine Police Department’s Crime Prevention Unit takes a proactive approach by discussing information about crime in the community and by providing safety tips on how to prevent or reduce crime.
Our Crime Prevention Unit asks you to work in partnership with us to reduce crime. The safety of our community is a shared responsibility and these partnerships create opportunities to improve safety for everyone. Crime prevention is everybody’s business, but our Crime Prevention Unit offers a variety of services to help you reduce crime.
- Liaisons
Crime Prevention Specialists act as liaisons between the police department and the community, providing a consistent and personal point of contact.
- Resource and Referral
Crime Prevention Specialists are available to answer questions, provide information and give referrals to the public regarding matters related to crime prevention and quality of life concerns.
- Speakers Bureau
Crime Prevention Specialists provide presentations to groups covering a variety of crime prevention topics.
Crime Prevention programs and services are designed to provide you with the tools you need to participate in crime prevention efforts in your community. Contact one of our specialists below:
Shiree Lind | Program Specialist | 949-724-7193
Jordan Liu | Program Specialist | 949-724-7042