Mayor Larry Agran
Larry Agran


Vice Mayor
James Mai

District 3

Vice Mayor James Mai
Melinda Liu

District 1


Councilmember Melinda Liu

William Go

District 2

Councilmember Mike Carroll

Mike Carroll

District 4

Councilmember Kathleen Treseder

Kathleen Treseder



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The City of Irvine is a Charter City governed as a Council/Manager form of government.

During a special election held March 5, 2024, Irvine voters approved a Charter Amendment to expand the City Council from five (5) members to seven (7), with the new membership comprised of a mayor at-large and six Councilmembers — transitioning from at-large elections to by-district elections. The first district-based elections for Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4 occurred during the November 5, 2024 General Municipal Election.

Councilmembers each serve a four-year term and the Mayor serves a two-year term. The City of Irvine has a two-term limit for elected officials.

Elections are held even numbered years on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

In the Council/Manager form of government, the City Council, as the elected body, adopts legislation, sets policy, adjudicates issues and establishes the budget of the City. The City Manager is charged with the duty of implementing City Council policy and laws as the administering head of the government.

The City Council appoints volunteers to serve on various advisory boards, commission and committees. Each Councilmember and the Mayor, may serve as representatives on intergovernmental and regional boards, commissions and committees as part of their elected capacity.

Councilmembers and the Mayor are directly accountable to the electorate and must constantly balance the views of individuals and groups with the needs of the entire community.