Planning Area 40 – Cypress Village

Cypress Village (Planning Area 40) Approved General Plan Amendment and Zone Change for Residential Development



Proposed development is to occur on a 21-acre vacant site located at the southeast corner of Sand Canyon Avenue and Trabuco Road/Great Park Boulevard in Planning Area 40.


Project Applicant has submitted applications for a Tentative Tract Map, Master Plan, Master Landscape and Trails Plan, and Park Plan for an overall housing development on the project site. 

The proposed project will create a new residential neighborhood, to include an approximately 4-acre site to accommodate up to 185 affordable apartment units, with the balance of the project site (17 acres) accommodating 313 market-rate apartment units. The proposed Master Plan for the 313 market-rate units is under review with the City of Irvine with the second component of the project (affordable apartment units) to follow soon. In all, the Tentative Tract Map, traffic analysis, and accompanying CEQA analysis will review and consider a total of 498 units on the overall project site. This project is set to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at a future date. 

Applications submitted for this project:

Vesting Tentative Tract Map 00862078-PTT

Master Plan 00919132-PMP

Park Plan 00919387-PPP

Master Landscape and Trails Plan 00919267-PMP


Project is subject to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review. The specific type of environmental documentation has not been determined.


Links to staff reports, presentations, and associated materials will be added to this section as they become available.

Meetings / Hearings / Notices 

Information on meeting/hearing/notices will be added to this section as they become available.


Irvine Company

550 Newport Center Drive

Newport Beach, CA 92660

Kevin Martin (




City of Irvine
1 Civic Center Plaza 
Irvine, CA  92623

Hernan DeSantos (
