Retail Centers

The map and list of Irvine Retail Centers includes: traditional residential-serving neighborhood centers, regional malls, smaller retail spaces within apartment/condominium communities, and retail centers serving office parks in the Irvine Spectrum (location map) and Irvine Business Complex (location map)

Irvine Retail Centers*

* The map and list of Irvine Retail Centers does not include:
  • Accessory Retail Business locations (see definition below)**
  • Freestanding restaurants found within some office parks throughout Irvine
  • Office and Industrial Parks within the Irvine Business Complex (map) with potential retail entitlement (contact the Planning Team)
  • On campus retail at colleges and universities (e.g. UCI, IVC, Concordia)

    **Accessory Retail Business uses are those intended to serve a primary use such as an office building. Examples include a first floor café or bank within an office tower, or a hair salon within an apartment complex. The Irvine Zoning Code provides specific criteria including maximum size and design (Zoning Code Section 3-5-2) for accessory retail business. A definition of an Accessory Retail Business is provided below:

Mix of retail uses with square footage restrictions that offer convenience goods and personal services that have been incorporated into higher density residential neighborhoods and office complexes intended to be ancillary to the primary use. Accessory retail is intended to meet the daily needs of the immediate residential and employee population through the offering of goods and services in close proximity in order to promote a sustainable lifestyle and reduce traffic. The uses shall not be a generator of additional auto trips or parking needs above the primary use. Typical accessory retail uses include, but are not limited to, mini-market, bank and/or automated teller machine (ATM), drug store, eating establishment such as a café, coffee/sandwich shop (excluding a drive-thru business), personal services (i.e. barber, hair salon, shoe repair), and dry cleaners (excludes operations involving storage of hazardous solvents and chemical use). Alcohol-related businesses shall obtain a Conditional Use Permit, when required. 


Prospective tenants are highly encouraged to obtain a Planning Use Determination to ensure the proposed business conforms to the “accessory retail business” definition

For additional information, including Zoning Information, contact the Planning Team at or 949-724-6308.

For additional information on obtaining a business license, visit or reach out to the Business Licensing Team at or call 949-724-7128.