This page is intended to help you through the permit process and to provide all the resources that new development and redevelopment projects need to comply with stormwater quality regulations. The first section features information related to permits and regulations. The second section features supplemental information.
Regulatory Requirements:
Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Preparation
A project Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) must be submitted for new development and significant redevelopment projects in the City of Irvine.
Project WQMPs describe how property owners/managers will comply with the post construction water quality requirements described in the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit (issued by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board), and the City’s Local Implementation Plan (LIP). The project WQMP template has been designed to facilitate the expeditious review and approval of project WQMPs by the City’s Building and Safety Division, and to reduce the number of revisions and re-submittals of project WQMPs before approval is granted. Project plans submitted for plan check must be consistent with the approved project WQMP, and the project WQMP must be approved prior to the issuance of building or grading permits.
Prioritization for New Development & Significant Redevelopment Projects
Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan
A project Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan must be submitted for new development and significant redevelopment projects in the City of Irvine which do not fall under one of the Priority Project Categories as defined in the Model WQMP but meet one of the following conditions:
- Require discretionary action that will include a precise grading plan of development, except for those projects exempted by the City’s Water Quality Ordinance;
- Require issuance of a non-residential plumbing permit for pipelines conveying hazardous materials (e.g. gasoline) as defined by the City’s Water Quality Ordinance;
- Below ground linear drainage and utility construction projects that result in the replacement of 5,000 square feet of impervious surface such as storm drains, sewers and water lines within a developed public street, road or highway. These projects would not qualify as a Priority Project if they maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, original purpose of the facility, or occur in response to an emergency to protect public health and safety. These projects would require a Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan.
Non-Priority Project Water Quality Plan
Water Quality Management Plan review FEE
- A fee will be assessed for reviewing the Water Quality Management Plan.
- A fee will be assessed for conducting water quality inspections to verify the implementation of the Water Quality Management Plan.
- A fee will be assessed for conducting water quality inspections at commercial and industrial facilities that are subject to the water quality inspection program.
Please see Water Quality Management Plan Review and Water Quality Inspection Fee Information Sheet.
Permit Documents
All development and redevelopment projects must comply with the following Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board and State Water Resources Control Board permits:
- MS4 Permit
- Model WQMP
- City of Irvine Local Implementation Plan (LIP) Section A-8, Construction
- Construction Stormwater General Permit
Supplemental Resources:
Water Quality Ordinance
The Water Quality Ordinance (No. 10-06) gives the City of Irvine adequate legal authority as may be necessary to carry out the requirements of the NPDES Permit and accomplish the requirements of the Clean Water Act.
Additional Resources:
City of Irvine Stormwater Program
For general information or questions, please email
For WQMP/ Industrial/Commercial Inspection information, please call Samantha Philips at 949-724-6428
County of Orange, OC Watersheds, Orange County Storm water Program
877-89-SPILL or 877-897-7455 or visit the website
Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region
951-782-4130 or visit the website