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The City of Irvine is a family-friendly community that provides a plethora of services and activities, and high quality education for children of all ages. Irvine actively seeks out ways to support children and families and maintain an environment in which all may thrive.

Children and Youth

A variety of resources, including general information related to childcare, are available online through the Child Care Coordination Office, and the Child Resource Center.

Opportunities to help furry friends of all kinds abound in the City of Irvine.

Home to one of the most innovative and progressive animal shelters in the nation, the Irvine Animal Care Center, prides itself on providing quality care for abandoned animals.

In this extreme case, you may file a civil case with the local court. You must file your case within 30 days of the Examiner's verdict and pay all fees required by the court. If the court decides in your favor, any and all penalties, including court fees, will be refunded to you when the City receives written judgment. If judgment is in favor of the City of Irvine, the action is ended and all penalties are forfeited.

If you have any questions regarding filing a civil case, please contact the Superior Court of California, Harbor Justice Center, at 949-476-4699.

There will be information on the letter explaining that a second level hearing may be requested if you do not agree with the results of the review. You may request the second level hearing by indicating either an in person or in writing hearing on the form and returning it to the Parking Enforcement Center at the above address within 15 days of the mailing of the notification letter. Requests received outside the 15 day period will not be honored.

A review of the citation is made by an Irvine Police Department employee.  Items considered during the review process included the information provided in the letter requesting the review, any notes or photographs that may have been taken by the issuing officer, computer records checks of DMV information, computer records of any parking variances granted by the City at the time of the violation and any other evidence available.  The results of the review will be provided as either dismissed or upheld.If the violation is upheld, a brief explanation will be provided.

All vehicles on public roadways or roadways subject to California Vehicle Code enforcement must be currently registered.  If you have moved the vehicle to private property, filed for a non-operational permit, or are donating the vehicle to charity, the full fine amount can be paid, and there is no need to have the citation signed off.

If you feel the citation should not have been issued, or was issued in error, for instance the violation was simply not committed, or the violation should not have been cited because of a parking variance or some other extenuating circumstances, you may request a review of the citation.

Reviews must be requested in writing within 21 days of the violation and the request must be sent to the processing company that maintains the citation records. Requests received that are postmarked outside the 21-day period will not be reviewed.

Complaints of service or conduct involving Irvine Police Department personnel should be directed to the employees supervisor. To contact a supervisor, you may call the business desk of the Irvine Police Department at 949-724-7000, and request to speak to the named employees supervisor. Often the supervisor is not immediately available, but a message can be left for that supervisor to return your call and address your concerns.
