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Irvine promotes community wide environmental protection and sustainability through an array of programs, its commitment to the preservation of open space and development of nature programs.

Monetary donations are welcome and volunteer opportunities are readily available at the City’s Nature Center and Open Space preserve.

Other locally-based charitable organizations related to protecting the environment can be found on the City’s website.

Open Space & Nature webpage

Local Schools

The Irvine Unified School District, Tustin Unified School District, University of California at Irvine, Concordia University, and Irvine Valley College, provide high quality public and private education in Irvine. In addition, the University of Southern California (Orange County Center) and Chapman University (Brandman) have satellite campuses located in town. All educational institutions in Irvine accept donations. Donations to the Irvine Unified School District can be made through the Irvine Public Schools Foundation.

In the City of Irvine, naming opportunities are available at Colonel Bill Barber Marine Corps Memorial Park at the Wall of Recognition, the flag monument at the Military Memorial, and on seating and bench areas throughout the park for resident appreciation.

Additional naming opportunities exist at the Irvine Animal Care Center, Senior Centers, the Orange County Great Park and other locations for benches, kennels, streets and sports fields/amenities within the City. 

Flexible and popular methods of achieving your charitable goals and building a legacy are to create a bequest through your will or name the City of Irvine or the Irvine Community Alliance Fund (the Fund) as a beneficiary of a retirement plan. Bequests are gifts that come directly to the City (or the Fund) at the end of your life, they can be revised at any time, and they are tax deductible. Bequests are typically made in one of the following forms:

The Irvine Police Department (IPD) is a professional, values-based organization where community oriented policing is a way of life. IPD aspires to be a world-class leader in policing, a model for character, innovation and service. It strives to protect our diverse and dynamic community with fairness, integrity and respect for the rights of individuals. It is also committed to developing a creative, forward-thinking workforce, dedicated to raising our level of excellence to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

The Orange County Great Park is located in the geographic center of Orange County, California, halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego.  Spanning more than 1,300 acres (nearly twice the size of New York’s Central Park) the Great Park’s award-winning master plan embraces environmental sustainability, preserves Orange County’s agricultural heritage, and honors the military history of the former air base, setting a new standard for sustainable park design and urban planning.

Whether you are new to Irvine or a long time resident, this free service will prove invaluable.  Crime Prevention Officer Dick Berg will conduct an on-site custom security inspection of your home or apartment at your convenience. You will be given information and training on the most effective locks, alarm systems, and lighting specific to your home and your area. You will receive a written evaluation of the improvements you can make to increase security without making your home a fortress.

Crime Analysis is the systematic study of crime and disorder problems, as well as other police related issues including sociodemographic, spatial, and temporal factors, to assist in criminal apprehension, crime and disorder reduction, crime prevention, and department resource allocation.

The mission of the Irvine Police Department’s Crime Analysis Unit is to provide data analysis in real time to support to all levels of the Irvine Police Department in order to improve community safety and improve efficiency of police resources. 
