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March 5, 2024

Measure D - Charter Amendment to Expand City Council and Establish City Council DIstricts (Initiative Ordinance No. 24-10)


June 5, 2018

Measure C - Requiring a 2/3 Vote of the City Council to Propose Taxes (Initiative Ordinance No. 18-08)


November 4, 2014

The City’s Lobbying Ordinance (Irvine Municipal Code Division 7) regulates persons who are paid or compensated by others to attempt to influence City decisions. It requires certain individuals and entities to register as a lobbyist with the Office of the City Clerk and requires public disclosure by quarterly reporting of certain lobbying activities in the City.

City of Irvine Lobbyist Regulations

City Lobbying (Municipal Code Sections 1-7-101 through 1-7-110)

Code of Ethics:

In 2006, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 06-01 adopting a Code of Ethics to establish clear and affirmative ethical principles and standards reflecting the core values of the community, and to support and encourage the highest personal and professional conduct at every level of municipal government.

Code of Ethics (Municipal Code Sections 1-6-101 through 1-6-110)

While traffic signal synchronization improves traffic flows, its benefits are more pronounced under certain conditions. Typically, synchronization is most beneficial when traffic volumes are high, especially during peak hours. Conversely, late at night, when traffic is light, traffic signals are set to run independently and provide green time to approaching traffic on a first come first served basis. This allows the signal to quickly respond to the light traffic demands.
