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Archeological research establishes prehistoric man in the Irvine area at least 12,000 years ago, possibly even 18,000 years ago. Scattered evidence of early campsites and rock shelters can be seen in the undeveloped parts of the City.

Gabrielino Indians moved into the Irvine area 2,000 years ago, establishing dozens of villages. One village was located near the present San Joaquin marsh and another near the San Joaquin golf course.

Incorporated December 28, 1971
Form of Government Charter Law, City Council - City Manager
City Incorporated Area 66 miles
Sphere of Influence Area 74 miles
City Tree Camphor

 The City of Irvine also provides the public opportunities to view City Council meetings on television or online instead of attending in person. The meeting is broadcast live on ICTV, Cox Communications Local Access Channel 30 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99, and livestreamed online at

The City of Irvine is asking residents to show what Irvine, the “City of Innovation” means to them. We are seeking photos of people enjoying Irvine’s open space and parks, children and adults partaking in one of the many classes and programs offered through the City, families enjoying themselves at City-sponsored events, beautiful cityscapes of Irvine and more!

Photo Usage
Photos submitted will be considered for use in various City marketing materials, including Inside Irvine magazine, the website and promotional fliers.

Loma Ridge Memorial and 50th Anniversary Ceremony

Unveiling of an Eagle Scout project in honor of 72 El Toro Marine Base Marines and 12 Air Force crewmembers who died in a plane crash on Loma Ridge June 25, 1965. The transport plane was delivering military personnel and civilians in service during the Vietnam War.

Location: Orange County Great Park, Historic Hangar 244

The Seasoned Chef Series is bringing some of the best chefs in Orange County to present local seasonal gourmet dishes, techniques and preservation methods.

Location: Orange County Great Park Farm + Food Lab
