Hosted by Triple Crown Sports
Hosted by Triple Crown Sports
The ICTV Community Bulletin Board provides a means of disseminating information about City of Irvine and Irvine non-profit, community-based organization programs, services, activities and events.
Know Your Audience - Who is your target audience?
Kids? Adults? Seniors? Animal lovers? How much do they know about the subject? How much time are they likely to spend reading your flier? Your design and text should be appropriate for your audience.
Visual Hierarchy – What do you want the reader to see and in what order?
The first thing readers see should be the most important piece of information. Generally, the visual hierarchy of your marketing communications should be:
Organization Logo Here
The following is a general list of contact information for media outlets serving Irvine and Orange County:
Media outreach, or media relations, is an ongoing process. Building a relationship with the media can be an important component of your organization's community outreach efforts. The media can help spread your message effectively and widely. When you work with the media, keep in mind that their job is to draw readers, viewers, or listeners to their outlet by running relevant, compelling, and localized stories. The following are some basic considerations for building effective relationships with the media:
Starting April 16, 2012, the City of Irvine will be accepting plans in electronic format as well as the traditional paper plans for building project submittals.
See below for submittal requirements for building and grading projects.
Chapter 17 of the California Building Code defines special inspections requirements. In addition, the City of Irvine has issued two Information Bulletins, Information Bulletin 278 Requirements for Statement of Special Inspection, and 284 Special Inspector Manual establishing policies for the enforcement of these requirements.