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Important Notice Regarding the 2022 Building Standard


Codes are available for purchase from the International Code Council,  and digital copies, except the Building Energy Efficiency Standards, may be accessed at under the heading: "2022 Triennial Edition (effective January 1, 2023)".

Training classes are available through the following organizations:

The State legislature passed and Governor Brown signed Assembly X1 26 dissolving redevelopment agencies throughout the state of California in 2011. The California Supreme Court upheld the legislation and set a dissolution date of February 1, 2012 when all redevelopment agency activities were suspended. Assembly Bill X1 26 established Successor Agencies and Oversight Boards whose purpose is to wind down the affairs of a dissolved redevelopment agency. 

The City of Irvine Residential Rehabilitation Program (RRP) offers financial assistance through 0% interest deferred loans and emergency grants to assist low income homeowners with critical home improvements. Loans or grants are available to assist homeowners in need of health and safety, building code, and accessibility related repairs.

Affordable Housing Information

The City has prepared a brochure covering all facets of affordable housing in Irvine, including locations and phone numbers for all developments with affordable units. Please contact us at 949-724-7456 or 949-724-7454 if you need additional information.
