Oak Creek Community Park is located in the Oak Creek (Planning Area 12) neighborhood of Irvine. It is bordered by Valley Oak Drive, Sand Canyon Avenue, business park uses, and a Southern California Edison (SCE) utility parcel/Barranca Parkway. Vehicular access to the site is provided off Valley Oak Drive. The park is primarily programmed for active sport use; however, a significant number of people access the park for passive recreation activities. A pedestrian walkway connects the Oak Creek Park to the Sand Canyon Business Center, a large campus office complex with outdoor workspace, recreation courts and a cafe.
Dedicated in 2001, the 12-acre site consists of two (2) soccer fields, one (1) ball diamond/flex field, a playground area, restroom building, covered picnic area, and approximately 95 parking spaces. The current ball diamond is utilized as a flex field for baseball, lacrosse, and soccer.
In addition, the City has a license agreement with Southern California Edison (SCE) on an adjacent parcel consisting of 8-acres of undeveloped land. The City envisions development of park improvements on this adjacent parcel, pending SCE approval of the site plan.
Current Amenities
- 1 Restroom
- 2 Drinking fountains
- 2 Child play areas
- 2 Lighted soccer fields
- 1 Ball diamond
- 8 Barbecues
- 8 Picnic tables
- Electrical outlets
Approximately 11.7 acres in size.
Available for Reservation
- Soccer fields A and B
*Reservations for picnic tables/areas are not available at Oak Creek Community Park. Usage is on a first come first served basis for groups of 49 or fewer, no vendors and no alcohol. Note: Signs may not be posted to hold tables/areas prior to usage.
To reserve these areas, contact Athletic Reservations at fieldreservations@cityofirvine.org or 949-724-6830.
More Information
For more information on community outreach, future involvement, and how to connect with us, go to the Oak Creek Community Park Improvements Master Plan webpage.